Basics of HTML
What is HTML?
In simple terms, HTML is abbreviated as HyperText Markup Language, Which consists of a series of elements that describe the web page's structure. It is a standard markup language that tells the browsers how to display the content.
- Tags are the basic elements of HTML.
- Everything in HTML is defined with the help of tags.
- Tags have to start and end.
- Everything needs to be defined inside tags.
- Tags further have attributes.
- There can be multiple attributes.
Structure of HTML?
HTML structure consists of two basic components
HEAD- It consists of all the links for style script and others of the web page's web page and title.
BODY- It consists of all the details that are displayed on the webpage.
Where to write HTML codes?
HTML codes are written in editors.
There are many editors we could use like:-
- Notepad
- VS code
- Brackets
- sublime
- Notepad++
- etc...
How to save HTML files?
HTML files are needed to save as (.html) extension.
A simple HTML example.
<title>Title of the page</title>
Everything which is to be display on the browser is added here.
Few important links for reference:-
Learn Tags in HTML click here.