Tags in HTML (Basics)

Tags in HTML are which defines that how a web browser will format and display the content inside it. HTML tags are used to create HTML documents and render their properties.

Few important points:-

  • HTML files must have some important tags.
    • Html
    • Head
    • Body
  • HTML tags must be inside <> brackets.
  • Every Tag which is opened must be closed.
  • The opening Tag is written as <tagname>
  • The closing Tag is written as </tagname>
Basics/Fundamental Tags Used in Html
  • HTML
    • Every Html content is written inside Html tags
  • Head
    • All the links for CSS and JS are written inside the head.
  • Title
    • The title for the document is given here.
    • It is placed inside the head tag.
  • Body
    • All the content that is to be displayed on the browser is written inside the body.
Few common tags are:-

Types of tags used in Html.
  • Container Tags
    • Tags that have the opening and closing tags.
    • Ex-:- div, span, strong, small, etc.
  • Empty Tags
    • Tags that don't have the opening and closing tags.
    • Ex:- br, link, img, etc.

Few important links for reference:-

Learn Tags in HTML click here.

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